Fiduciaire DynaDev SA
Buying and selling companies

You plan to buy an existing company ?

Don't hesitate to contact us; we can assist you in many ways:
» Analyze your project and prepare a written plan: objectives, constraints, financial means, etc.
» We have a large network of relations and can search and identify companies that might correspond to your wishes. We can establish a first contact with the existing owner without disclosing your identity.
» Perform a short or an in depth audit of the target company
» Assist you during the negotiations and until the signature of the purchase agreement
» Help you find the funds required to finalize the acquisition
» Advise you during the transition period
To buy an existing company is something complex. To minimize your risk, it is your interest to get assistance from a specialist.

You plan to sell your company ?

We can help you sell or transmit your company under the best possible conditions:
» Analyze your professional, personal and family situation to determine how and when to transmit your company
» Prepare with you the company for the transmission; this may include restructuration or changes in the legal structure, sale of assets not related to the commercial activity, etc.
» Evaluate the actual price of your company
» Thanks to our important network, identify and find potential buyers, and establish preliminary contacts with them without disclosing your identity
» Assist you during the negotiations and until the completion of the transmission
» Advise you as to how to invest the sale's profit